Wednesday 19 February 2020

New Addition to Blog

Mr Three-And-A-Half

Simon, also known as Mr. 3½ - though the latter was not his preferred choice of name - worked as a junior salesman in a typical office environment, one governed by the irresistible yet somewhat flighty manageress, Mandi. And an office in which he met the woman of his dreams.

Estelle, the object of his affection, was unique. A powerful young woman on the very brink of discovering her powers, her seemingly limitless force. Though he may have cause to wonder at the end of this story if, in fact, all that he believed to be true, was just so…

He’s really not sure of anything anymore. Other than his feelings. His mind may be thoroughly disassembled, but those feelings… they’re the real thing.

This short story is one of obsession, lust, and the most powerful desire of all… to be more than you are. Much more.

(Adult content. Short fiction. Paranormal/Mystery. Approx: 9,500 words.)